Writers’ Night Every Tuesday

We’re excited to offer a night for writing every Tuesday, 6:30 – 8 PM at BRASS TACKS COFFEE in Southside.

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What are these?

They’re an hour and a half that we dedicate to writing—but with other writers there too. Because let’s be honest, sometimes we need a bit of provided structure, and people around.

You can work on whatever writing project you’re in the middle of, or not. We’ll have some writing prompts if you’d just like to get the juices flowing. And our senior fiction editor will be there too if you just want to meet new people and chat writing (his name is Caleb, btw).

This event is open to the public, and to writers of all ages and experience. They’re real chill. Also productive.

For more information and up-to-date info, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

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