Suspension of Belief

The trees sing in Morocco. My friend heard
twin sisters, a shepherd’s only daughters.
Sea tones, celestial timbre. Night herons
bathing in the silver bowl. By the moon,
the high-water mark maps the rock wall.
And elsewhere on Earth, Eureka Avenue,
this cardinal hanged herself above me
while building her nest. A balloon ribbon
slipped around her neck. She flew tethered
and wrecked for some time. Eventually,
all hurt animals die. Some don’t even know it.
Original existence and unspoiled death.
My sister had a baby and my grandmother’s dead.
If it were up to me, we’d all break off, orbit,
and play the tides. Everyone
could pick their own plot of dusk.

ROB KENAGY’s work has appeared in lit journals, zines, public performances, and elsewhere. He writes and records music as Ganges and is a member of the multi-disciplinary arts group BIG LOTTO. He earned an MFA from Virginia Tech and lives in New York, NY.

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