


He had expected worse. The inevitable letdown after Christmas, the dead parakeet, the New Year’s to come, everything that had happened. But it wasn’t bad. It felt almost good, even,…

Not of This World


The nurses arrived throughout the day, a steady invasion of Laiken’s privacy. At breakfast, they balanced trays of lukewarm scrambled eggs, cups of tepid green tea. Later, they’d come and…

The Eaters


WE CALLED OURSELVES THE EATERS BECAUSE WE ATE WHAT WE WERE SERVED. Every final Friday of the month, we got together as a group to devour as much as we…

All Fading Now


I HAVE NEVER SEEN HER LIKE THIS. She’s twenty-something, young enough to be my kid, and normally dignified, professional—always wears long dark pants and flowing tops, thick sweaters, bracelets I…



WHEN GRANDMA DIED, THE FAMILY FINALLY CLEARED OUT THE HOUSE ON OSAGE. All the streets in that part of town were named for Indian tribes. She’d kept everything after Grandpa…